November 03, 2004

Suddenly having brief moments of joy and lightness. Even in the workplace. Hypnotherapy seems to be working. Because it sure can't have anything to do with recent political events.

Otherwise, yesterday read Barrett Watten's "Left Modernism/Social Articulation/Permanent Avant-Garde." And then an excerpt from the Grand Piano project on this website. Preferred "left modernism." The Grand Piano project, what I've read of it by him, weirds me out.

Also read half of Francis W. Pritchett's Nets of Awareness: Urdu Poery and Its Critics. It is on the web: Fascinating mix of avoidance of argument and argument. Lots of great biographical material. I sort of can't wait to read the next part to see if he does anything with all the historical material he presents and the ghazal. I couldn't finish it last night because I had only printed out the first third.

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