My travel schedule of last weeks:
Oct 10-14, NYC.
Oct 18-19 Medford Oregon.
October 21, Honolulu.
October 22-25, Lihue.
October 26-28, Honolulu.
October 28-30, Los Angeles.
October 31-November 4, Lake Tahoe.
November 6-7, Bodega Bay.
November 17-19 Los Angeles.
Thus not much reading. Took four books with me on Hawai'i/LA/Reno part of trip and make it through half of one. Although I did read a lot of magazines. I used most of my plane time to study Spanish instead of read.
Got back today and began to clean desk. Got sidetracked by batch of Tinfish books. Yunte Huang's Crib and Deborah Meadows Growing Still.
Also Jill Magi's Cadastral Map.
And Aaron Kiely's The Best of My Love.
It is the lesser thesis season also. Read three last week.
Once organized again I want to make a list of unfinished books and decide which to finish.