I'm getting writing done but not reading. Stephanie and I started off the semester by agreeing to meet each week and bring two pages of writing. I'm bringing more than two most weeks. It feels good. Like I can stand my job if I keep doing it.
So I'm behind in reading. Or I feel like I'm behind. I might not be if I define "reading" inclusively. I've had to go back and reread a lot of stuff for my Worldly Prosodies course. So I'm reading a lot. Reading all weekend usually. But it is rereading with an eye for teaching and note taking. I've been most moved by Judith Butler the second time around. Actually they've all been good the second time around. Steven Feld. etc.
For the Localism course I got to read all of Heriberto Yepez's work published in English. I made a collection for my class. That was wonderful.
Rob Wilson gave me In Memoriam: Norman O. Brown, ed by Jerome Neu. Super sweet collection of essays. Made me want to go back and reread Brown. Read that the first week in February.
I've been reading some books on Joshua Tree and Palm Springs area in preparation for trip.
I'm half way through Fred Moten's book. I adore it. More on this later.